We are big John Wayne fans, so clearly when we decided to name our bull and girls, it was only right to name them after JW characters. The girls are named after the leading ladies in several movies. Can you identify them ?
Meet Big Jake, the bull. He is a Black Angus/Braunvieh cross born in July of 2017. He has been part of Weaver Ranch since Spring of 2018. He is docile but likes to push everyone around when it comes to feeding time.

Meet Maudie. She is a Brangus cow born around January of 2018. We purchased her as part of the initial set of heifers and she has proven to be a great investment. She gave birth to Sally on December 12, 2019 and shows herself to be a great mom. She has continued to show great structure and growth while still nursing her baby. She has a great disposition and we look forward to see what trailts Sally inherits from Maudie.
Maudie is pictured above with Sally, a spunky little calf that makes us laugh each day. She is our first baby born on the property. She was our early Christmas present and is quickly growing and showing a great disposition.
We have several other girls that would love to meet you. We will introduce you to all of them soon.